ACTIA Group is the holding company of the ACTIA Group. Formed in 2000 under the initial name ACTIELEC Technologies, ACTIA Group is listed on the Paris Stock Exchange (Euronext Growth).
5 rue Jorge Semprun, BP 74215, Toulouse, 31432 cedex 4, FRANCE
+33 (0)5 61 176 161

ACTIA Automotive
ACTIA Automotive is the historic company of the ACTIA Group, founded in 1986. It brings together a range of expertise dedicated to the land mobility markets, with an R&D centre and an electronic board production and integration site. The latter was awarded the Usine du Futur (Factory of the Future) label in 2022.
Head office
5 rue Jorge Semprun, BP 74215, Toulouse, 31432 cedex 4, FRANCE
+33 (0)5 61 176 161
Colomiers industrial site
10 avenue E. Serres, BP 60112 Colomiers (Toulouse), 31772 cedex, FRANCE
+33 (0)5 62 743 400
Chartres site
Business Park, ZAC le jardin d'entreprise, Immeuble le Saphir 6 Av. Nicolas Conté, 28000 Chartres, FRANCE
+33 (0)2 37 334 217

ACTIA Aerospace
ACTIA Aerospace is a division of the ACTIA Group set up in 2024 to bring together expertise dedicated to the aerospace markets. It specialises in the development and manufacture of on-board equipment and satellite communication (SatCom) solutions for the aerospace and defence industries.
Head office
5 rue Jorge Semprun, BP 74215, Toulouse, 31432 cedex 4, FRANCE
+33 (0)5 61 176 161
Colomiers industrial site
10 avenue E. Serres, BP 60112 Colomiers (Toulouse), 31772 cedex, FRANCE
+33 (0)5 62 743 400
Dinard site
P.A. La Ville-es-Passants 2, 2, rue Amiral Bérenger, CS 90145, 35801 Dinard, FRANCE
+33 (0)2 99 462 475
STEEL Electronique
440, chemin de Cantalauze, 31220 Martres-Tolosane, FRANCE
+33 (0)5 61 984 529
ACTIA Railway
ACTIA Railway is a Group entity set up in 2024 within the Mobility division to address the rail market. Specialising in major equipment programmes for communication, passenger information and video surveillance systems for manufacturers and operators in the sector, the company works in partnership with its customers to develop highly innovative solutions such as hypervision (a video surveillance system based on AI).
Head office
5 rue Jorge Semprun, BP 74215, Toulouse, 31432 cedex 4, FRANCE
+33 (0)5 61 176 161
Millau site
Route de Mayres, CS 40312, Saint-Georges-de-Luzençon, 12103 Millau, FRANCE cedex
+33 (0)5 65 623 740
Montpellier site
Veellage de Vendargues Salaison, 145 Rue de la Marbrerie, 34740 Vendargues, FRANCE
+33 (0)4 13 500 132
ACTIA Energy
ACTIA Energy is a division of the ACTIA Group structured in 2024. It specialises in energy management, transmission and distribution solutions for electricity network operators and industry.
Head office
5 rue Jorge Semprun, BP 74215, Toulouse, 31432 cedex 4, FRANCE
+33 (0)5 61 176 161
PSR site
La Confrérie CD 14, CS 60022 13610, Le Puy-Sainte-Réparade, FRANCE
+33 (0)4 42 338 600
ACTIA 3E is a team specialising in the design of on-board electronic systems for special-purpose machinery (agricultural, transport, public works, etc.), with a complementary range of telematics and application development services.
Savoie Technolac, BP 282 Le Bourget du Lac, 73375 cedex, FRANCE
+33 (0)4 79 252 390

ACTIA PCs is a team specialising in the development of industrial motherboards and PC-compatible embedded systems, in particular a wide range of x86, configurable or customised solutions for the medical, industrial and transport sectors.
14 Rue Charles Martigny, 94700 Maisons-Alfort, FRANCE
+33 (0)1 42 071 800