• Bandeau Carrières

ACTIA Automotive and ACTIA Telecom publish their gender equality index

ACTIA Automotive and ACTIA Telecom publish their gender equality index

The index calculation methodology is intended to measure gaps according to a definition of indicators defined by the decree of 8 January 2019 applying the provisions aimed at eliminating pay gaps between women and men in the company and relating to the fight against sexual violence and sexist behaviour at work.

For 2023, ACTIA Automotive and ACTIA Telecom have an overall score of 77/100* and 88/100 points respectively, broken down as follows:

  Score ACTIA Automotive Score ACTIA Telecom Maximum number of points
per indicator
Pay gap by age group 37 38 40
Breakdown of increases 10 20 20
Difference in the distribution of promotions 15 15 15
Return from maternity leave 15 15 15
Number of people of the under-represented sex in the highest salaries 0 0 10
Index (out of 100 points) 77 88 100


Source: ACTIA Human Resources - Year 2023

* NOTE: In application of the methodology used to calculate the "Difference in the distribution of increases" indicator, the latter is temporarily impacted by the large number of women recruited after 31 March 2023. In application of the provisions of the agreement on Mandatory Annual Negotiations 2023, not all employees recruited by ACTIA Automotive after 31 March 2023 benefited from these provisions, which has a negative impact on this indicator. If we correct the indicator for this cyclical factor, it would be 20/20. As a result, ACTIA Automotive's gender equality index would be 87/100.

Corrected in this way, the two scores confirm that the policies implemented, particularly in the area of pay, have had a positive impact and encourage us to continue our efforts to promote professional equality between men and women.

It should be noted that 17 women and 20 men benefited from the salary rebalancing envelope.

The importance of gender diversity in the workplace

ACTIA Automotive employs 30% women (up 2% on 2022), while ACTIA Telecom employs 22% (up 1% on 2022). It should be noted that the national average in the Metallurgy sector is 22%.

This under-representation can be explained by the fact that certain jobs in industry remain "gendered". For example, women are still under-represented in engineering and technical occupations, and this is a factor in school career choices. This is why ACTIA encourages mentoring of female students in technical training courses.

Some support functions, on the other hand, have a high proportion of women and few men.

ACTIA is committed to a policy of non-discrimination in recruitment, particularly through its recruitment process.

Career development and promotion

ACTIA supports the development of its employees' skills on an equal footing. This means that all employees have the same opportunities for career development, advancement, classification and access to positions of responsibility.